Masuk Daftar

berisi peluru bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "berisi peluru"
  • berisi:    consist; consisted; contain; contained;
  • peluru:    ammunition; ball; bullet; missile; roundshot;
  • berisi:    consist; consisted; contain; contained; containing; meaty; of; corpulent; control; check; take; comprise; incorporate; laden; carry; curb; moderate; obese; substantive; weighty; include; filled; rot
  • peluru:    ammunition; ball; bullet; missile; roundshot; shot; slug; pistol and rifle cartridges; cannonball; cartridge; pellet; hummer; heater; fastball; unit of ammunition; musket ball; ammo; bird shot; roun
  • berisi angin:    pneumatic; full-breasted; well-rounded; neumatic
  • berisi film:    loaded
  • berisi kacang:    nutty
  • berisi nitrat:    nitric; azotous
  • berisi skandal:    scandalous
  • berisi udara:    pneumatic
  • berisi ulangan:    repetitious; repeating; rotelike
  • berisi[kan:    comprising
  • artikel yang berisi bukti:    articles containing proofs
  • batuan kapur berisi fosil:    limestone matrix
  • berisi butir kecil:    granular; farinaceous
  • This cartridge holds 20 mm armor piercing rounds.
    amunisi ini berisi peluru 20 mm tembus besi.
  • Their DNA just might contain a medical magic bullet.
    DNA mereka mungkin berisi peluru ajaib medis.
  • The gun had blanks, the knife a retractable blade.
    Pistol berisi peluru kosong dan mata pisaunya fleksibel.
  • I mean, the police said that it wasn't even loaded, so-
    Polisi bilang pistolnya tak berisi peluru, jadi--
  • I mean, I-I didn't even know the gun was loaded.
    aku bahkan tidak tahu kalau pistolnya berisi peluru.
  • He said it was wooden buckshot.
    Dia bilang ini berisi peluru kayu.
  • Magazine is not loaded unless we're in mission!
    Apa kau pikir di masa bebas operasi ini, pistol itu berisi peluru?
  • Is it true you gave Brian Finch a loaded firearm?
    Apa benar kau memberikan Brian Finch senjata api berisi peluru?
  • That gun is loaded with blanks.
    Pistol itu berisi peluru hampa.
  • Inside is a loaded handgun.
    Didalamnya ada pistol berisi peluru.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2